stoolie nyt​

Have you ever come across the word “stoolie” in a New York Times crossword puzzle and wondered what it means? The clue “stoolie NYT” appeared in the January 14, 2024 crossword puzzle, leaving puzzlers searching for the right answer. If you’re new to crossword puzzles or simply curious about this particular term, don’t worry—we’ve got you covered!

In this post, we will break down the meaning of “stoolie” and how it’s used in the world of crossword puzzles. Whether you’re a seasoned solver or just starting out, understanding clues like these can make your crossword journey a lot more enjoyable. Let’s dive right in and explore what “stoolie” means and why it’s a popular crossword answer.

What Does “Stoolie” Mean in the NYT Crossword

If you’ve ever worked on a New York Times crossword puzzle, you might have encountered the word “stoolie.” This term appeared in the January 14, 2024 crossword puzzle. Many puzzlers may not be familiar with the word “stoolie,” which can make it tricky to solve. But don’t worry, we’re here to explain everything you need to know!

A “stoolie” is a slang term that refers to a person who informs on someone, especially to the police. In the context of crossword puzzles, it’s a useful word because it fits neatly into a variety of clues related to informants or people who give up secrets. Often, crossword clues use words like “rat” or “snitch” to describe a stoolie. If you’re solving a puzzle and see a clue with these meanings, “stoolie” could be the answer.

Understanding the word “stoolie” can really help you with crossword puzzles. It’s one of those terms that shows up regularly, so being able to recognize it makes solving puzzles easier. Plus, knowing the meaning of these crossword-specific words makes you feel more confident in solving future puzzles.

The Role of “Stoolie” in Crossword Puzzles: A Deep Dive

What Does Stoolie Mean in the NYT Crossword? Find Out Here

Crossword puzzles are fun, but they can be tricky. One of the biggest challenges for many solvers is understanding the strange words or slang terms that come up. “Stoolie” is one such word. It’s not a term you might use every day, but it shows up often in crosswords, especially those from the New York Times.

So, what does “stoolie” mean in the world of crosswords? As mentioned earlier, it’s a word used to describe someone who betrays a friend or gives information to the authorities. Think of it like a “snitch” or “rat.” In crossword puzzles, this term is commonly used when the clue is looking for a word that means “informer.”

A crossword puzzle clue with “stoolie” might look something like this: “Informer, slangily” or “Betrayer, informally.” In these cases, “stoolie” is often the answer, fitting perfectly into the grid. The word itself has a unique sound, making it a great crossword puzzle answer. It’s short, but it has a lot of meaning packed into it.

You might not use the word “stoolie” every day, but in crosswords, it’s a useful tool. It’s good to know this word because it can help you solve tricky clues that other solvers might miss. So, next time you come across “stoolie” in a crossword, you’ll be ready

How to Solve “Stoolie” Clues in the NYT Crossword

Sometimes, solving crossword puzzles feels like cracking a secret code. You have to use all sorts of tricks to figure out the right words. One of those tricks is recognizing when a clue is asking for the word “stoolie.” But how do you know when to use it? Here are some tips!

Look for Clues Related to Informants

The most common use of “stoolie” in crossword clues is when the clue talks about informants. For example:

“Informer, slangily”

“Betrayer, informally”

“Person who rats out others”

When you see clues like these, “stoolie” is often the answer. It’s a good idea to think of other synonyms for “stoolie” too, like “snitch” or “rat,” but “stoolie” is frequently used in NYT puzzles.

Consider the Length of the Word

Another way to figure out if “stoolie” is the answer is by looking at the number of squares in the crossword. If the clue is asking for a six-letter word related to an informer, “stoolie” is a good fit. So, pay close attention to how many spaces you need to fill.

Use Crossword Context

Crossword puzzles often give you hints in the answers around the word you are trying to fill in. If you’re stuck, look at the other words that cross the clue. Sometimes the answers around the “stoolie” clue can help you figure out the answer by confirming if “stoolie” fits.

Trust Your Instincts

If you’ve done enough puzzles, you’ll start to recognize patterns. If “stoolie” has appeared in previous crosswords, you might find it easier to identify the next time. Over time, you’ll get more comfortable spotting these types of clues.

By following these steps, you can easily solve “stoolie” clues in crossword puzzles. The more you practice, the faster you’ll recognize when it’s the answer!

Why “Stoolie” is a Common Crossword Answer

“Stoolie” is a popular word in crossword puzzles for a few reasons. It has a nice balance of being both short and useful in many different clues. Its meaning is clear, and it’s often paired with other words like “snitch” or “rat,” making it easy to fit into a crossword puzzle grid.

Slang Words Are Frequently Used in Crosswords

Crossword creators love to use slang words because they add variety to the puzzle. “Stoolie” is a fun, short word that works well with crossword clues that deal with betrayal, crime, or secrets. Slang terms like “stoolie” add character and interest to the puzzle, making it more challenging and engaging for solvers.

A Versatile Word

“Stoolie” is also great because it can fit into a wide variety of clues. It’s not just used for people who inform the authorities; it can also be used for anyone who betrays others. Because of its broad meaning, crossword constructors often use it in different contexts.

Crossword Creators Enjoy a Challenge

Sometimes, crossword constructors want to challenge solvers with words that are a bit less common. “Stoolie” fits into this category. It’s a term you might not hear all the time, but it’s a great addition to a crossword puzzle. It adds a layer of difficulty while still being a recognizable word for those who are familiar with it.

So, “stoolie” is used often in crosswords because it’s a word that works well in many different situations. It’s short, easy to fit in the puzzle, and adds a bit of fun to the solving process.

Common Misunderstandings About “Stoolie” in Crosswords

What Does Stoolie Mean in the NYT Crossword? Find Out Here

While “stoolie” might seem like a straightforward word, many people misunderstand its use in crossword puzzles. Some solvers may confuse it with other terms, or they might not be familiar with its meaning. Let’s clear up some of these common misconceptions.

“Stoolie” Isn’t Just Any Informant

One of the biggest misunderstandings about “stoolie” is that it’s the same as any informant. While all stoolies are informants, not all informants are stoolies. A “stoolie” specifically refers to someone who betrays their friends or partners, often to the police. It’s a slang term with a more negative connotation, so be careful not to mix it up with words like “whistleblower.”

Not Everyone Knows “Stoolie”

Another misconception is that everyone is familiar with the word “stoolie.” If you’re new to crossword puzzles, this word may seem unfamiliar. But don’t worry! Once you learn the meaning and start seeing it more often in puzzles, you’ll get the hang of it.

“Stoolie” Isn’t Always the Best Answer

Some crossword clues may have multiple possible answers, and “stoolie” is just one of them. For example, “informer” could be answered with “rat,” “snitch,” or “tattletale.” But in many cases, “stoolie” fits perfectly and is the most commonly used word.

Once you understand these common misunderstandings, you’ll feel more confident when solving crosswords that include “stoolie.”


In conclusion, “stoolie” is a word that’s commonly found in crossword puzzles, especially the New York Times crossword. It’s a slang term for someone who informs on others, often to the authorities. While it may not be a word you use every day, it’s important to recognize it when you come across it in a puzzle. By understanding its meaning and how it’s used in crossword clues, you can become a better solver and tackle more difficult puzzles with confidence.

Crossword puzzles can be challenging, but with a little practice and knowledge, you can solve even the trickiest clues. Keep an eye out for words like “stoolie” and learn how to spot them in clues. With time, you’ll be solving puzzles faster and enjoying the process more than ever before!


Q: What does “stoolie” mean
A: A “stoolie” is a slang term for an informant, usually someone who betrays others by giving information to the authorities.

Q: Why is “stoolie” used in crossword puzzles
A: “Stoolie” is often used because it’s a short, catchy word that fits well in crossword grids and clues related to betrayal or informing.

Q: How do I know when “stoolie” is the right answer
A: Look for crossword clues related to informants or betrayers. If the clue talks about someone informing on others, “stoolie” could be the answer.

Q: Is “stoolie” the only answer for informants
A: No, there are other words like “snitch,” “rat,” or “tattletale” that could also work. But “stoolie” is often the answer in many crossword puzzles.

Q: Is “stoolie” a common word in crosswords
A: Yes, it’s fairly common, especially in the New York Times crossword puzzles. It’s a popular answer for clues about informants or betrayal.

By Admin